What is the average payout for a Michigan motorcycle accident?

When a client asks me, what is my case worth, I say, “This is a loaded question.  If I tell you a number that you perceive as too low it may be upsetting.  Also, I will not lie to you. Some attorneys will lie to you and tell you that you have a million-dollar case.  I do not do this.  I would rather under promise and over deliver.”

The truthful answer: It depends.  The payout or settlement in a motorcycle injury accident depends on the number of factors.  

First, we assess the liability.  Whose fault was the crash and can they claim it was the motorcyclists fault in any way?  

Secondly, we look at the full extent of all the injuries and other damages like noncovered medical bills.  

Thirdly, we look at collectability; all of the different insurance policies we can go after for compensation.  

Because we work on a contingency basis, we have the highest incentive to get you the most possible.  Our fee is a percentage of what we get you.

Assessing the liability: The other side will always want to make you partially at fault for the crash.  The reason for this is if a percentage of fault is allocated to you, that percentage is deducted from the total value of the case thus reducing your payout.  

Assessing the injuries: most people can appreciate that someone who suffered a whiplash-type injury or their neck is sore as a less valuable case than a person who broke their leg and had to have surgery.  Stated another way, the more significant the injuries the bigger the payout or recovery.

By visiting our Results Page, you can glean an insight into the value of certain motorcycle injury accident cases.  Even better, call me and I will tell you a legitimate range for the value of your case.