What Are the No-Fault Benefits a Motorcyclist Can Get After a Wreck?

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Michigan No-Fault Law pertains to Motorcycles - Michigan No-fault PIP Medical Choice


Three claims after a motorcycle accident

The Motorcycle Legal Minute™ was created by Jason Waechter, THE Motorcycle Lawyer, to explain Michigan’s motorcycle law in a short and easy to understand way.


A Michigan motorcycle operator is entitled to No-Fault benefits after a crash ONLY if he or she had insurance on the bike and if a ‘motor vehicle’ was involved. A ‘motor vehicle’ basically means car, truck or van. The definition purposely excludes motorcycle from it.


The No-Fault benefits include: 

Wage Loss - Maxing out at about $5,800 per month

Up to $20 a day for household chores

Mileage to and from doctor appointments

Payment of medical bills


The current law of PIP Medical Choice now limits the amount for medical bills. It now depends on how much the policy holder chose for his PIP Medical coverage. The current law is horrible for motorcyclists because a biker gets his PIP Medical from the motor vehicle that hit him. Therefore, he is at the mercy of what that negligent driver chose for his or her own PIP Medical!


There are many more details in: