What's the Minimum Age of a Motorcycle Passenger in Michigan?

What's the Biggest ‘Trick Question’ in Michigan Motorcycle Law?

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The Motorcycle Legal Minute™ was created by Jason Waechter, THE Motorcycle Lawyer, to explain Michigan’s motorcycle law in a short and easy to understand way.


Here is the biggest trick question when it comes to Michigan motorcycle law How old does a child have to be before they can legally ride on a motorcycle as a passenger?


The answer is that there is no minimal age.  The law that applies has to do with… footrests!


The law states: A passenger shall not ride on a motorcycle unless his or her feet can rest on designated footrests or pegs. Violating this law is a civil infraction with no points, meaning you get a ticket and have to pay a fine. 


MCL 257.658a Seats and foot rests; requirements; exception; violation as civil infraction.

  (1) In addition to the requirements of section 658, a motorcycle shall be equipped with adequate seats and foot rests or pegs for each designated seating position. Foot rests or pegs must be securely attached. A passenger shall not ride on a motorcycle unless his or her feet can rest on the assigned foot rests or pegs except that this requirement does not apply to a person who is unable to reach the foot rests or pegs due to a permanent physical disability.

  (2) A person who violates this section is responsible for a civil infraction.