What is Full Coverage Motorcycle Insurance?

There’s No Such Thing as “Full Coverage”

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The Motorcycle Legal Minute™ was created by Jason Waechter, THE Motorcycle Lawyer, to explain Michigan’s motorcycle law in a short and easy to understand way.


I want to dispel a misconception around Michigan vehicle insurance. People call me every day for advice after a vehicle accident. I always ask them if they had insurance on their vehicle because being insured is a prerequisite to certain benefits. Often a person will proudly say, “I had full coverage.” Well, under Michigan law there is no such thing as ‘full coverage.’


I have reviewed many auto and motorcycle policies where my client said, “I thought I had full coverage,” and it turns out they don’t have: 

Collision coverage

Or their custom parts are not covered

Or they did not have uninsured motorist coverage

And on and on.


There have been cases filed against insurance agents by people who were told they had full coverage, because the people could not recover under the policy they had. The courts have said there is no definition of ‘full coverage.’ Therefore, sorry, you can’t sue the agent.


The takeaway is this: Make sure you go over all possible insurance coverages for your motorcycle, and then make a decision only after understanding what each is for.